Latest scams and security alerts
We want to keep you up to date with all the latest
common security alerts.
The faster you can recognise a scam, the better you
can dodge it.
Scammers are sending emails pretending to be ING and advising to click a link to complete an online verification, to avoid online banking being suspended. The email contains a false link that is simulating an ING Online Banking page.
This is a scam so please do not click on any links or engage with these communications. We’re taking steps to put a stop to these emails and the URL. In the meantime, beware of this scam and tell your friends too.
Just so you know, while we do regularly send emails and SMSes asking customers for information and provide guidance on steps for how to provide the information via online banking, we would never ask you to provide personal details via a link in the email or SMS, or direct you to log in to your Online Banking via a link.
To reduce your risk of being scammed make sure you check:
- the email address of any email message to see if it matches the company name noted in the email message (if not, beware that this could be a scam email)
- if the email comes from a non-corporate address like Hotmail or Gmail or is not being sent from the genuine '' or '' domain. We note that this particular scam has used the following email domain 'Urgent INGBank' and 'ING Bank Team'
- if there are spelling mistakes in the email message, or the information doesn't make sense
- if the investment returns promoted seem too good to be true (if so, they probably are)
- the company's website through Google - don't click on links contained in emails
- for current scam warnings
- it does not contain the ASIC logo to promote an investment
Stay up to date with current scams targeting Australians via the ASIC Scamwatch website at
If you’re unsure or need help identifying whether the contact is legitimately from ING, call us on 1800 052 743.
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