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ING Complaints Policy


Our customers have the right to efficient, honest, and fair treatment in their dealings with us, particularly if something goes wrong.

We welcome your feedback, and want to know straight away if we haven’t met your expectations or can improve our service to you in any way.

We have an established and comprehensive complaint management framework for handling customer complaints across our business.

Our complaints management framework helps to ensure that the complaints we receive are dealt with genuinely, promptly, fairly and consistently.

1. How to lodge a Complaint

If you have a complaint or are dissatisfied with ING in relation to our products or services, or our complaints handling process, you can lodge your complaint with us in the following ways:

You can call us

We're here 24/7 on 133 464 or if you're overseas please see the toll-free numbers on the Contact us page.

National Relay Service (NRS):

If you are deaf, have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us via the NRS.

TTY: 133 677, then ask for 133 464

Voice: 1300 555 727, then ask for 133 464

You can email us

You can write to us at:

ING - Complaints Resolution
GPO Box 4094
Sydney NSW 2001

Or, you can contact us via our social media channels:

Facebook and Twitter

Complaints relating to Living Super

Should you have a complaint relating to Living Super, you can lodge your complaint in the following ways:

You can email Living Super:

You can write to Living Super: Reply Paid 93910, Melbourne VIC 3001

You can call: 133 464

Living Super complaints are handled by an external team appointed by Diversa Trustees Limited.

Living Super (Fund) is a sub plan of OneSuper ABN 43 905 581 638. Diversa Trustees Limited ABN 49 006 421 638, AFSL 235153 (Diversa) is the issuer of Living Super and the trustee of OneSuper. Diversa has overall responsibility for responding to Living Super complaints.

For further details on complaints relating to Living Super a Sub-Plan of Onesuper and the Diversa Complaints Policy, please refer to

Complaints relating to General Insurance and Roadside Assistance

ING general insurance products (Car Insurance, Home and Contents Insurance, Pet Insurance, Travel Insurance, and Motorcycle Insurance) and Roadside Assistance are issued by ING's partner, Auto & General Insurance Company Limited ('AGIC').

ING Car, Home and Contents, Travel and Motorcycle Insurance are distributed by Auto & General Services Pty Ltd ('AGS'), a related company of AGIC. ING Pet Insurance is administered by Pet Health Insurance Services Pty Ltd ('PHIS').

ING is an authorised representative under the Australia Financial Services Licenses of AGIC and AGS.

Complaints and disputes relating to these products are managed and resolved by AGIC, AGS and/or PHIS in accordance with their customer complaint handling and dispute resolution procedures. For further details or to lodge a complaint, please refer to:

Complaints relating to Private Health Insurance

ING’s Private Health Insurance product is issued by nib Health Funds Limited.

Complaints relating to Private Health Insurance are managed and resolved by nib in accordance with its customer complaint handling and dispute resolution procedures. For further details or to lodge a complaint, please refer to:

ING and nib may share information about your complaint to respond to your complaint and to improve our procedures.

2. Getting assistance to lodge a Complaint

If you require assistance in lodging a complaint, you can appoint a representative (such as a financial counsellor, legal representative, family member, friend or Member of Parliament) to lodge a complaint on your behalf.

Once you have notified us that you have appointed an authorised representative to act on your behalf in relation to the complaint, we will not contact you directly unless:

you specifically request us to communicate with you directly;

we reasonably believe that the representative is acting against your best interests;

we reasonably believe that the representative is acting in a deceptive or misleading manner with you and/or us;

we reasonably believe that the representative is not authorised to represent you; or

at the time we are dealing with the complaint, the representative has been excluded by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) from representing you in relation to your complaint lodged with AFCA. AFCA provides a fair and independent financial services complaints resolution that is free to consumers.

Alternatively, please contact us and we will work with you to lodge your complaint.

3. ING key steps in dealing with Complaints

Step 1:

Your first point of contact for raising complaints and feedback can be any of our staff members, but is generally someone from our customer complaints team. They will attempt to address your concerns and resolve your dispute.

In order to resolve your complaint, it is important that you give us as much information as possible. When you contact us, please provide as much of the following information as you can:

Account information - your account name and number

Contact details - your phone number or other preferred method of contact. If you wish to be called only during certain hours, please let us know.

Complaint information - what your complaint is about and when it happened.

Resolution - how you would like your complaint to be resolved.

Step 2:

Once we receive this information, we will contact you to ensure we understand your complaint and ask for any further information that may assist in our investigation. At this time we will advise the next steps in the complaints process and when we will next be in contact with you.

Step 3:

Once we have completed our investigation we will contact you with our proposed resolution. If you are satisfied with our resolution we will close the complaint. However, if you are not satisfied with the resolution, we will confirm with you any other options you may wish to consider in order to escalate your complaint.

Step 4:

In the event that you're not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint with ING, you can lodge a complaint about any financial services with AFCA.

If your complaint relates to Private Health Insurance and you are not satisfied you may raise your complaint with the Private Health Insurance Ombudsmen.

Full contact details of AFCA and the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman are set out in sections 5 and 6 of this Policy.

4. Response timeframes

We are committed to the following timeframes for responding to your complaint:

Acknowledgement within 24 hours

We will provide acknowledgement of your complaint within 24 hours (or one business day) of receiving your complaint.

Endeavour to resolve within 5 business days

Where possible, we will endeavor to resolve your complaint within 5 business days.

Written response timeframes

Generally, we won't provide you with a written response for a complaint where it has been resolved to your satisfaction within 5 business days. However, for certain complaints we may be required to provide you with a written response, for example if you had requested a written response or where we are otherwise required to by law. In the event we are required to provide a written response, we will provide it within the timeframes below.

*Please note the timeframes depend on the type of complaint:

Type of complaint


Credit related complaints involving default notices

21 calendar days

Credit related complaints involving:

hardship notices, or

requests to postpone enforcement proceedings

21 calendar days, subject to the following:

If we don't have enough information about a hardship notice to make a decision, ING will request the information no later than 21 days after receiving the complaint.

You need to provide the information to us within 21 days of receiving our request.

When we receive the requested information, we will provide a final written within 21 days.

If we do not receive the requested information within 21 days, we will provide a final written response to you within 7 days.

If an agreement is reached about a hardship notice or a request to postpone enforcement proceedings, we will confirm the terms or conditions of that agreement in writing within 30 days.

Living Super complaints about death benefit distributions

Diversa will respond within 90 calendar days after the expiry of the 28 day period for objecting to a proposed death benefit distribution

All other Living Super complaints

Diversa will respond within 45 calendar days

Other complaints about ING, or products or services provided by ING (not covered above).

30 calendar days

We will also comply with our obligations under the ePayments Code to respond to complaints in respect of any mistaken payments or unauthorised transactions covered by the ePayments Code.

Urgency and priority

In addition to meeting the above timeframes, we will assess and prioritise complaints according to the urgency and severity of the issues raised. When sending us your complaint, please inform us if it is urgent and the reason for its urgency.

Examples of matters we may prioritise include (but are not limited to):

your complaint indicates financial hardship;

your complaint relates to requests to postpone proceedings;

you are experiencing domestic or financial abuse;

you have a serious or terminal illness; or

a delay in addressing the complaint could adversely affect your basic living conditions.

Complaint management delays

While we endeavor to consistently meet or outperform the timeframes listed above, there are many variables that may impact our complaint response times. In certain situations, we might not be able to meet those timeframes.

Examples include:

there is no reasonable opportunity for ING to provide the response within the timeframe because:
- resolution of the individual complaint is particularly complex; and/or
- circumstances beyond ING's control are causing complaint management delays.

However, if we cannot meet the relevant response timeframe, before the timeframe expires, we will provide you with a written delay notification which will inform you about:

the reasons for the delay;

your right to complain to AFCA if you are dissatisfied;

the contact details of any relevant external dispute resolution body such as AFCA.

5. How to contact AFCA or the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman if a complaint is not resolved

In the event that you're not satisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you can lodge a complaint with AFCA. AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaints resolution that is free to consumers.

You may contact AFCA through the following means:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority

Ph: 1800 931 678 (free call)



Australian Financial
Complaints Authority Limited
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001

*Please note that if your complaint relates to a Superannuation Death Benefit Distribution, AFCA cannot generally consider the complaint until you have received a response to your complaint from ING or Diversa (unless your complaint specifically is that you have not received a response to your complaint within the required time).

Private Health Insurance Ombudsman

If your complaint relates to our conduct in relation to Private Health Insurance then you may lodge your complaint with the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman (please refer to: